Estate Planning

On the 18th of October 49 members attended the meeting at the Church Centre, the largest turnout for the current season.

Guest speaker for the meeting was Matthew Taylor from St. James Place Wealth Management who was accompanied by Jill Waddington and Victoria Maude representing the Huddersfield solicitors firm of Ridley and Hall.

The subject of their presentation was Estate Planning and Matthew opened proceedings by introducing his company and summarising the subjects he would cover, namely inheritance tax, what happens if no will exists, providing for long term care and why one would set up a trust fund.

Jill and Victoria then spoke on the subjects of wills and lasting powers of attorney.

Finally Matthew returned to talk in detail on how to minimise payment of inheritance tax and the management of retirement pensions before mentioning a couple of case studies to illustrate the points made.

He handed out cards to enable members to register to receive financial advice, the cards being entered into a draw with a prize of a bottle of champagne

Mike Earle proposed a vote of thanks to Matthew, Jill and Victoria for an interesting presentation.