Wetherby & Boston Spa Mens Forum

A Question of Sport

The Forum’s meeting on the 30th of January began with the members standing in silent tribute to the late Fred Bingham, until recently a regular Forum attender.

The guest speaker was John Clithero who was visiting for the fourth time to talk about the television programme A Question of Sport.  John’s presentation required audience participation to test its sporting knowledge by identifying the pictures of the various sportsmen and women shown and Forum members joined in with gusto.

A Question of Sport began in 1968 when its presenter was David Vine and its two team captains were Cliff Morgan the Welsh rugby international and Henry Cooper the heavyweight boxer.

The first guests were footballers George Best and Tom Finney, England cricket captain Raymond Illingworth and international athlete Lilian Board. There have been over 650 programmes but only three presenters, David Vine, David Coleman and Sue Barker.

Team captains were changed regularly until 2008 when Matthew Dawson and Philip Tufnell were introduced and remain captains to this day.

The most frequent guest has been Steve Davis who has made more than 20 appearances.

John finished his presentation with a picture board quiz and his version of What Happened Next?

Forum Chairman Mike Earle proposed a vote of thanks for a splendid morning’s entertainment.

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