Wetherby & Boston Spa Mens Forum

Iconic Cars from the 1950s to the Present Day

On the 14th of February 53 members turned up for the Forum’s morning meeting, the highest number for the current season despite the biting cold.

The guest speaker for the meeting was Graham Read, a Formula One correspondent and motoring writer who has spoken to the Forum on a number of previous occasions.

His subject this time was Iconic Cars from the 1950s to the Present Day.  Graham showed a succession of brilliant slides of cars from the various decades, some of the cars being very expensive and some affordable.

He started with a Morris Minor, a type of car which most of the Forum members admitted to have driven.  Next came the Citroen 2CV which Graham told us is involved in races although not as exciting as Formula One.

Among the cars from the 1980s was the DeLorean and Graham reminded us of its controversial manufacture in Belfast and the problems which led to the collapse of the company.

At the end of his presentation Graham introduced us to a number of ultra-expensive limited editions by such manufacturers as Ferrari, McLaren and Aston Martin and including the most expensive example, a Bugatti costing over £2million.

After Forum members had reminisced about their early cars Mike Earle thanked Graham for a fascinating presentation.

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