Tag Archives: Yorkshire dialect

In Grandmother’s Footsteps

On the 10th of October the Forum welcomed its guest speaker Alan Hemsworth who had travelled from Settle.  Alan entertained the members with a talk about the Yorkshire dialect which he titled In Grandmother’s Footsteps.

He was brought up in Pudsey and, as a boy, was a regular visitor to his grandmother’s house which was a typical terrace house – two up and two down with an outside “privy”.

From his grandmother he learnt a great number of Yorkshire words and phrases which he passed on to the Forum members and explained the source of the words from the original Anglo-Saxon and compared them with words in modern German and Danish.

Although England abounds with local accents actual dialects are dying out, only being of interest to academics.   Alan has accumulated many poems written in the Yorkshire dialect and he finished his talk with a selection delivered in true Yorkshire.

Chairman Mike Earle thanked Alan Hemsworth for a most entertaining talk.

Forum Deputy Chairman Duncan Verity has arranged an evening event for Sunday the 14th of October in the form of a buffet meal and film show for Forum members and their guests.  This takes place at Wetherby Golf Club when the film featured is The Glen Miller Story.


Christmas Humour

On the 6th of December the Forum gathered at the Church Centre for the last meeting of 2017.

The guest speaker was David Calverley who had travelled from Huddersfield to provide some Christmas Humour to brighten up a bleak winter’s morning.

For nearly an hour David regaled us with a selection of jokes, humorous tales and monologues, many delivered in a broad Yorkshire dialect.   Chairman Mike Earle proposed the vote of thanks for a most amusing presentation.

The Forum’s Christmas lunch for members and their guests is arranged for Wednesday the 13th of December at the Bridge Inn, Walshford when additional entertainment is promised as well as a delicious meal.

Regular meetings will resume on the 10th of January 2018.